Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Undefeated Sun

Samuel was a determined man and when he put his mind to a specific task he would do it. Some would ask why would a man want to create his own sun? Revered as one of the best scientists in the world, Samuel was on a mission to launch his man made sun into interstellar space. His claim was that the real sun was on the verge of death so he had to create a new sun to take its place. Feeling the high expectations of his most prized invention something just didn’t feel right. From a distance he noticed as his super radioactive photon prototypes were set to blast off into space an ultra magnetic reaction began to occur between his man made sun and the authentic sun. It was as though the two radio active entities created a vibration that rippled highly potent magnetic fields. Samuel saw something that he did not expect occur in nature and real time. Cosmic black dust began to fold the fabric of what stood between the real sun and Samuel’s man made sun and after a while Samuel’s team of researchers noticed a huge black hole forming in the middle of the two suns. This was nasty, and everything nearby began to get sucked in. It was as though the Sun itself had a weapon and began to supercharge the atmosphere to make sure that the laws of nature and the universe remained unchallenged. After everything in the vicinity vanished from real time, the room grew silent and everything and everyone including Samuel had been sucked in—never to see the birth of a man made sun and never to see life on earth again. Til this day their souls float in the static of space and time unable to dwell in the light of the undefeated sun. No man would ever pickup where Samuel left off. It took twenty years just for the earth’s temperature to drop back down to normal levels after Samuel’s entire teams’ flesh was obliterated in seconds before launch. In defeat, what was thought to be classified stirred up conversations and a new found fear of The Undefeated Sun.

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