Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Sun Scams

Friends, this piece can teach you something or at least make you aware. I am not a rich man and I do not wish to be wealthy. As a child I was raised Christian, I was brought up in a gang riddled neighborhood and I saw good people get tormented every other day. This trauma led me to understand what true happiness is and will always be. In joining the military I got injured and found out that the brain is even more complex than actual living. The nurses and doctors helping me get better taught me a lot about reality. When I came home I accepted my diagnosis and I moved on by volunteering everywhere that I could go. I found out a lot about people and myself. I also found out what it’s like to be poor and scammed. Friends, the sun does not makeup stories, people do. The sun does not teach us about history, people do. The truth is that no one really knows what happened billions of years when the sun was created or how it came to be, so we can only assume or speculate. I learned this while being poor. I’m 42 now and I’ve heard more stories about creations and gods that even history professors can imagine. I’m considered disabled and I’ve spent the majority of my adult life trying to make other people’s lives better and I’m still poor. My first marriage was a mess so I walked away fearing for my own mental health and financial security. It was an unstable relationship from the beginning that maybe could have worked if we were true to one another so lesson learned. In these failures, I’ve learned a lot about people. I’ve spent time with people who have been incarcerated, and even on their death bed. I’ve cried as a grown man with a heart shattered in a thousand pieces so I write. I write because it makes me feel good. I don’t know everything and just like you I’m still vulnerable to being scammed. Friends, you can learn a lot from a poor man like me. It’s the people that prey on people like me that you should be aware of. They make fancy videos about things that we’re all eager to learn about. They sit in large temples claiming that the sun is going to burn us all. Some even sit in large gated communities passing laws and preaching false hopes. Some read about other scams while plotting on their own. Some find loopholes in the system and play the game very well. Some sell drugs never to get caught. Some even have an abundance of knowledge, and have been scammed themselves so they feel it is their duty to even the scales. In all of this, the sun still rises because even a poor man like me has enemies. Looking over my own flaws I’ve come to accept the fact that I myself am a scam artist because I too am human, but the picture I paint of reality scams those looking for another game to play with the world. These scammers may not see me as a person, but a pawn on a chessboard in a game to play that sadly in the end we all lose because we all must die. In reality, we’re all hopeless human beings searching for love around a large group of people trying to get by, so friends be mindful, be content and love yourself first. My purpose for writing this piece has everything to do with how I truly feel about life and when talking to a rich man I see a person no different from a poor man. I see one person eager to get by and another eager for genuine company. In all, the true message has everything to do with a man collecting money off of stories about the sun when in reality that same sun has the power to burn everything but for some reason there are clouds in the sky. Beware of sun scams because if the sky is falling there’s a good chance that the person on the mountain top has a clear view of the fog and while whoever is at the top is burning you’re searching for a way out of the fog so I guess we’re even. None of us can stay in the same position forever. Is the sun moving? Give me a dollar and I’ll make something up. What are you truly thinking? Do you really need what I have to offer and if you do what price are you willing to pay? Is the sun moving or not? Or are we all just stuck in the same position? Who knows?

Sun Scams. 

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