Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sun Shine Fever

Marvin left to go to the store, he left the house so upset that he didn’t make it back, but either way the sun kept shining the next day. We don’t know where he’s at, but there’s something special about what drove him to leave. I’m now in a crowd of people joking about the look on Marvin’s face and there’s even a big war going on about the next election, but that sun just keeps shining no matter what happens. The people of the world are easily deceived and rotted out, but that darn sun don’t have a care in the world, it just does its job. It’s crazy because Marvin quit his job and said he was going to run for president, maybe that’s where he went. My mom thinks he’s delusional either way you put it, but he’s my brother so I have to love him. I think he just needs some better hobbies because he has a habit of thinking that the world won’t go on without him. I think he’s got that sun shine fever. He entered physics class sometime back talking about a cure for every genetic disorder, I looked at him and wondered if his sun shine fever would ever wear off. I mean he just goes on and on about doing things that no one has ever done like shooting a rocket at the sun to figure out what’s inside. Everything he does has to be bigger than the average bear. We were sitting in the room the other night and he built a border wall out of blocks talking about his immigration plan. It was his major plan to keep the illegals out. I mean he doesn’t stop. He argues about policies and politics all day. I’m like, “Marvin, you cannot control the way people think, they’re going to do what ever they want to do. Why are you constantly trying to save them?” He got so made at me that he walked out on me and the whole family. No one has seen him. We thought the story was over until our neighbor Jody called. Come to find out, Marvin’s sun shine fever got so bad that he got on the presidential election ballot in every state. None of us could believe it. He was the talk of the town. He ran on the republican ticket and even raised enough support to get on the ballot. Our community had never seen anything like this. Marvin went from living room debates to the big stage. We thought he was crazy until we heard his speech on TV. The man was primetime, major news, everyone wanted to know the story of Marvin Banks. How did an energetic physics professor get the will power to run for the highest office in the land? Pretty soon everyone started catching the sun shine fever. Gangster rappers started having debates. People started debating at barbershops. Marvin had started a new craving for what he so much desired. I even started to get a little taste of the fever. I started getting in heated political debates at the beauty salon with old ladies. I went outside and put his sign in my front yard because I knew who Marvin was. I was so filled with the sun shine fever that even if Marvin lost his shine I was still going to vote for him. When my yard sign got stolen and Marvin became enemy number one for those doing dirt, I couldn’t help but work the polls and be a voice for the little man whom I’d grew up with debating in every election, the little man who was finally living out his dream. Till this day we call it sun shine fever. It’s a fever that some people catch when they’re tired of being status quo, it’s a fever that people catch when they want to shine as bright as the sun. Win, lose, or draw, Marvin kept people in orbit, he kept us all in motion. I still have no clue how he’s going to pull everything off in his presidential plan once he gets elected, but there’s no turning back now.

Sun Shine Fever

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