Saturday, August 3, 2024

General Sun

He watched it all burn. Everyone and everything. His Army name was General Sun because he had so many combat stripes that he would shine like the sun. His face was like a burning lion and at night he would sleep in black pajamas. He told his unit that he slept in black to honor the shadow warriors from which he came. General Sun never missed a target, but what was yet to come was the battle of all battles.

They called it dark mission 88. It was against a stealth terror unit. 

“Sir, how do we beat an enemy that we can’t see?” Corporal Ferguson asked. 

“When they attack in the day look for their shadows,” General Sun replied. 

After all hell broke loose, Corporal Ferguson and the rest of the unit became weary. Losing hope, they saw no fatigue in General Sun, but for some reason he kept spitting out black blood.

“Sir, don’t you think you should get checked out? Are you even human? You’re spitting out black blood for god sakes.” Corporal Ferguson said.

General Sun stood tall as his unit began to take heavy fire and many of his men did not make it. For some reason General Sun’s skin began to glow like the sun and he began to blow soot out of his mouth. Witnessing him take bullets and spit them out mystified his entire unit including the enemy. Watching their shadows he began picking off each enemy stealth soldier one by one. It was like he was exhaling fire. 

“We were sent into an ambush, but the war Gods birthed me to save what is left of our unit. Tell no one what you’ve all witnessed today. I am and will always be the sun on the battlefield when righteous men are tested. I will always be the light at the end of the tunnel. There is a light on the combat field that blinds and burns, make sure you remind your child that their guiding light is General Sun. As long as I’m not forgotten, the battlefield belongs to us. Even in death, I rise, for I am General Sun.”

The End

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