Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sun Nasty

In all of my years of dealing with art I’ll never forget my trip near the equator. Coming from a wild neighborhood I’d become accustomed to hearing wild stories about what happens when people get too much sun light, well, I got a little taste of it on my trip to the south. It was 2002 and the ship that I was on docked in the port of Florida. It was like I’d stepped on another planet. The trees were different, and the sun seemed to be out almost everyday. It was even worse when we ventured into Puerto Rico. I guess the sun has a way of making people nasty and wild because everywhere we went where the sun was shining was like no other. Bikinis, fancy models, entertainment enthusiasts, and even many other kinds of nasty sexual monsters that a fragile God fearing mind like mine could not stomach was out. I even tried to talk to a girl, but I learned my lesson real quick. Some of the sailors took their fun to a strip joint which was another kind of nasty that I wasn’t accustomed to. Carter, who was half Indian, got so happy sun nasty that he dipped his taster tongue in some pole dancers upside down magic trick. When he came back to the ship it looked like he’d got a taste of a thousand virgins. That put a different kind of swagger in this Indian man, he’d seen a new side of life that most men dream about and don’t go tired craving. Me personally, I could never stomach stuff like that, but I rather enjoyed hearing the story. The heat for some reason made grown men on the edge get sun nasty and wild. A few other sailors got caught storing porn on the ship’s computers. I personally got googally eyed myself if that’s even a word, but it’s hard on the rough seas when the second man floods your mind with nasty fantasies and all you see is half naked women walking around in the heat. It got so sun nasty that condoms were being passed out by medics who were giving sexual advice before liberty call. My cousin warned me about days like these. You see, in her younger days, my cousin loved to party while I spent my time in church, she caught the sun nasty fever early and she told me that if I wanted to make money I had to come to understand that sex sells. I laughed and told her that I’d rather go broke, but I found out the hard way that she was right and when the sun is shining things get even nastier. The night life is wild and people go to exotic levels to get paid for their services. I guess scientifically, the sun must give people extra energy, because the stats show that people reproduce in the heat heavily. People of all races, creeds and colors get sun nasty. On the other end it gets so nasty that people record themselves and sell themselves as sex slaves for an extra buck. Some unknowingly, especially when you involve drugs and alcohol abuse. I have relatives who have been susceptible to harsh crimes because they got sun nasty. I assume that this is a natural occurrence among people. I guess the sun has a way of making us all fruitful. The good reverend would say it’s evil, but I’ve become accustomed to stories about them getting sun nasty also. In the end, I guess we all have this nasty beast inside of us just waiting to get out. The fire burns, but good people lose their religion when it gets too hot. It has a way of making people, wet, wild and 

Sun Nasty. 

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