Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Pot of Gold

 I awoke from a dream with fifty green Irish people cascading in a straight line and tap dancing.

When I came too, I found myself alone in a dark room wondering why some give up everything in search for a pot of gold.

I could see light bouncing off of a gold coin as I stood up from my bed to stretch.

Frantically, I could hear leprechauns laughing under my bed.

I took a look to see the little green people, but all I got was a lucky gold coin underneath.

I then took a ride on a green float in a parade while tirelessly laying back down drifting into another dream.

It was clear that my mind had reached the outer limits.

In the distance, I couldn’t help seeing a globe filled with water and golden lands.

It’s amazing how things can look from a far.

Realizing the message that the Celtic tribe had been trying to send, I ascended back down to earth in a gold temple giving thanks and shaking hands.

The green people taught me to be content.

Just like everything, a message can get confusing, and reinterpreted in so many ways so I had to stay afloat.

After drowning in a gold lake trying to keep up with the rich, I had to be brought back down to earth and just be grateful for what I had first.

The pot of gold was just a lure of luck.

It was the bait to a life filled with accountants and financial planners.

A life that would take so many risk to afford.

I just had to realize that I couldn’t take the gold with me when I died and to sell my soul to get it on Earth had driven me mad.

The pot of gold was a scam, there was nothing at the end of the rainbow but a mirage from the sun.

Running in circles around the hot golden disk, chasing little green men for gold coins, time made me wise enough to realize that chasing a dream of riches can be deceiving.

My eyes had now been open to just clear my mind and work with the hand that I’d been dealt.

The odds are better that way.

I now know why my dad kept a sack of coins in the back room.

He’d been preparing for a rainy day.

He was tired of gambling and trying to get lucky.

Falling in a deep sleep by his sack of coins, he wore his self out searching for the pot of gold.

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