Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Moon Strike

 “Little Star, why don’t I get the same attention as the sun? I deserve equal pay and attention just as much as her. If people don’t appreciate my glow, then I’m going dark, I’m going on strike,” the Moon said to Little Star.

“Moon, you’re just as important as all of us, without you, we stars won’t get a break and the people and creatures of the night will not have a guiding light to get through the evening,” Little Star explained encouraging her Moon friend to keep glowing and to stay on the job.

“You’re right Little Star, tell the universal captain that I’m good, I’m with the team, if we’ve been at it for this long, then why stop now?” The Moon said as all of the stars and planets kept their orbit.

“That’s it old friend, I got your back, I know how you feel,” one of Saturn’s moons said from afar.

“We don’t get the same glory as the sun brother, but we have to keep these gears turning. At least we’re not like the humans, they kill each other when they don’t get their way. Keep it up friend. Do it for the love of the galaxy, the black hole supervisors are watching.”

After seeing all of the planets, moons and stars come together to encourage him the moon dusted himself off and stayed in orbit. It was all good.

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