Monday, May 6, 2024

The Bill Collector

Collections: Hello, may I speak to Karah?

Karah: This is Karah.

Collections: Yes, this is a call from a debt collector in an attempt to collect a debt any portion of this call can and will be used for that purpose. I’m calling about the loan you took out from M8 & Associates are you able to make a payment today?

Karah: No, I’m all out of money. I’ve been working 4 jobs and I’ve even been asked by multiple men to do things outside of my moral compass for cash, but I refused. I can barely afford to pay for my college bills and the 5th job I held to pay this bill, I got fired for taking a nap in the restroom. 

Collections: Well, are you able to pay anything towards your balance today?

Karah: I have $1 left in my bank account if that will help.

Collections: That will work for now. I’ll take the card number whenever you’re ready. After the one dollar payment your account balance will be $2,989.

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