Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Drunk & Unhinged

 Honestly, I remember when these unhinged adults were children. They were so pure, vibrant, and filled with energy. Now they’re tipped over with concealed knowledge, drunk, depressed and untamed with power. Many of them are killing everyone and everything, slowly. Babies, animals, and even themselves. The question is, where are we going? Most of us are in debt, depressed, sexually deprived, wondering if God himself is going to come back and save us from our own insanity. How many people are wandering the streets high and mentally “slash” egotistically insane? Drugs have literally corrupted unhappy people searching for Jesus to heal them. I mean people are literally tipped over and drunk on evil and stupid at the same time. Personally, I’m concerned about myself also in this jungle. I’m concerned about my own social wellbeing, it seems like as I grew older everything else fell further away. Priorities have changed, and no matter how hard things get, I too am a paycheck away from living underground. I spoke to a veterinarian today and the woman was exhausted while explaining the cost of just getting an old dog back up to good health, I’m like screw it, just put him to sleep. It’s cheaper, and I’d save his life and mine. I mean why not wear black to a wedding, the bride has had several abortions, ink splashed all over her body and is clearly under a millennial love spell after scraping up cash for a three thousand dollar dress. I mean people are unhinged, you see a group of young kids drunk out having unprotected sex on private property with no fear of the consequences. Mom and dad are stuck in the 70s getting high in the front yard celebrating legal weed day with a fat wealthy doctor rubbing CBD oil on his patient’s knees. If that’s a nonprofit, then Noah’s ark is just down the road with rainbow flags. It’s either sad or happy, one former president is going back and forth with a porn star and still looked at as the country’s savior while the other is tipped over in his Santa hat giving out abortion pills with his demented VP, handing out taxpayer war solutions and seems to be clearly medically dependent. From a distance you would ask world leaders like hey sir, haven’t you figured it out yet, the world is literally falling apart and you still have the craving to divide and conquer now wonder your wife is cheating with the mailman, her power trip ended after the last expensive fur coat you bought her and it’s clear that she wants to come back down to earth. Your genocide fantasy is going to kill us all sir. To end this rant, I see a group of sports fanatics gambling away their life savings spending $3,000 of their parent’s money on thrill seats while poor young souls sit in a room filthy rich off of a shoe deal wondering who their true friends are. Either science is going to save me or kill me slowly, I feel better now, Jesus is coming soon and rap music is cheaper to make than R&B, Amen & hallelujah! What a ride. I still don’t know enough.

Drunk & Unhinged 

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