Wednesday, May 22, 2024


John was struggling to stay afloat, while trying to save himself he jumped on Tracey and Sandra’s back while pulling them under water with him.

Tina and her Husband Greg became leaders of a church, they got behind on their personal taxes and all hell broke loose.

Bob graduated college and got caught stealing from his full time grocery store manager gig to pay his debts.

Sam went to the military and did seven deployments, he tried to save money but went under when he went through a brutal divorce. 

Rubio ran for governor but failed to get the majority vote so he decided to take a job at the local college.

Brad became a big time drug kingpin who got busted by the FBI on several occasions.

Fred got arrested several time for domestic violence, he tried to bite his wife’s fingers off. How sick is that?

Nate founded a hit singing group but they all turned on him when the money ran out. Nobody knows where the money went.

Sammy became a big time boxer but lost the biggest fight of his life to cancer.

The point is that adulthood is nasty and messy. The truth is that many adults are afraid because we all just don’t know where we’re going to end up once it’s all said and done, sadly, those good paychecks don’t last forever. My advice to you would be some simple words to get you off of the ledge. If you decide to jump, you failed to give your story a chance to have a happy ending. Tomorrow may be better, who knows? Give another day a try. This message is for those battling with suicidal thoughts. This Memorial Day take the time to remember that many gave it all in hopes for a better world laced with the freedom to believe in a better tomorrow.

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