“King Odoo, we need rain. Everything is dying. The Gods have left us,” Teezu said pointing to the hot sun.
King Odoo, laced with gold gems stood strong.
“Man has used up what they thought to be infinite, there is no more electricity. Nothing. Our only hope is the sun. It still shines. Tell my servants to collect as much gold as possible, we must make a deal with the Sun God,” Odoo explained.
After his servants collected all of the gold that they could find King Odoo began to cut his arm.
“Great King, what are you doing?” His servant Kutu asked.
This is my sacrifice to the Sun God, watch, he will heal the land.
What about the Christian God, will he not deliver.
“Kutu, do not let your books steer you away from what you are. We can see the Sun, we can feel its rays. It has outlasted everything. It is our only hope, it is the Christian God. Look at history, such mixed up stories have left our people wondering in the wilderness alone with false hopes, we must rebuild our dynasty. I have been given a dream, blood of my blood and flesh of my flesh. We are all that’s left,” King Odoo explained.
“But Great King…”
“Quiet!” King Odoo said as his blood dripped on the gold.
“The Sun God is here.”
The wind began to blow. The great people of Kazan watched as Shekinah Ra came down.
The people had never seen such a sight. They all began to bow.
Josiah began to read the scrolls.
As Shekinah Ra stepped foot on the ground new colors began to emerge.
“My children, I have come to give you new life.”
No man could take the Sun God’s presence, he was too strong.
If they looked, they would be blinded by his light.
The people began to cry and speak in different languages.
“My God, it is the Christ!”
Some said confused.
“He has come to save us. He has returned.”
Some said certain.
Ezra, and Sasha began to scream as women gave instant birth to his children.
King Odoo’s pupils turned bright orange, he then fell to the ground bonding with the gold.
Two Cherubim started singing holy, holy, holy.
Everyone witnessed a new beginning.
The Sun God spared his creation.
He returned to grant eternal life.
The day the Sun God came down, was a new beginning, a new birth, and a new nation. It was the first day.
King Odoo’s skin shined like Gold with hair locks like a Lion.
“He has returned to give us new life. Internal life. We shall forever be in his presence as the people who called upon him. For we are his people,” King Odoo said.
The people joined hands the day the Sun God came down. Peace filled the air, the language of the Sun God spoke an abundance of life into a new world.
“Amen, Amun, and Amon.”
And that’s the day the Sun God came down.
The beginning of a new dynasty; the beginning of a new story.