Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Love & Hate

In life some people will love you and some people will hate you. 

Everyday is different, everyday is brand new.

To see people die because of hate should give everyone a reason to love.

Friends, the world is filled with amazing people, places, and beliefs.

We’re all different and we all paint a different picture of life.

To kill in the name of one’s own belief is to rob yourself of the beauty of someone else’s. 

A wise man knows that when two prophets disagree they do not kill nor do they cause terror, they negotiate in a peaceful manner and a prophet that wages war on innocent people in the name of God may desire the extinction of God’s greatest creation but friends when people love they have sex and create more people. Simply put, is man’s wrath really God’s wrath or is man’s wrath simply hate or a misunderstanding of a prophet’s teachings?

I say this because I’ve come to accept that sometimes the sky is blue, sometimes the sky is white, sometimes the sky is gray, sometimes the sky is red, orange, and even black. 

Some people love it when the sky is gray and some people hate it.

Friends, the point is that we’re all different, and while some people train their mind to hate, the ones who train their mind to love usually make the world much better.

In memory of those lost in the wars on terror.

I’ve learn to love peace & hate war.

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