Saturday, October 14, 2023

Children of Abraham

In the night we slept.

It was quiet.

We were all taken up to the top of the mountain.

Floating on pure vibes we assembled as one.

We were united like birds in the sky.

Seeing the flow of negative energy headed our way we held hands and walked together in our cleansed tunics.

Our force, our bond, and our strength could not be broken.

The inheritance that we were to partake of was far better than the offer made on earth.

Everyday we elevated into a more superior being and as the elements gravitated around us the promise was kept, our reach was infinite, beyond measure.

We could do anything.

Flawless, we began to allow a divine presence to take control. It was our power.

In that sense, we were perfect beings used for a greater purpose, for the world needed our strength to survive.

Our aura was like that of cleansing water and our knowledge created unmoved intellect.

Observing the cunning creatures roaming in the darkness of night, we introduced to them a better way. 

A new beginning.

As they grasped our hands in hopes of a better tomorrow, the instruments of a more purified sound gave them the understanding of our language.

They too began to comprehend.

Looking back at a cruel dark past they began to see the light at the end of the tunnel and they too saw miracles.

They too felt victory that they so yearned for and a life that so many others told them didn’t exist.

In the end, we all sat in a garden embracing our family reunion, for we were all children of Abraham waiting for our father to embrace us and show us the rest of our family tree.

Our end led us back to our roots and we were reborn again and again, for our gift was life.

Children of Abraham 

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