Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Doing something & Doing nothing

The day was brand new and the world had almost seemed like it was coming to a complete end. Generals were out to war and amateurs as always were aspiring to be professionals. Here’s a story about Peter and James.

 “I learned something today,” Peter said to his friend James.

James had just got done burning books because he’d rather waste his time watching TV.

“What did you learn Peter?” James asked.

“I learned how to publish a book,” Peter replied.

James took the pages from his ashes and blew them into Peter’s face. 

“Peter, I’ve sat in one spot watching TV for my entire life doing nothing. Everything I’ve earned, I’ve been given for free. Haven’t you learned yet? When you do nothing it’s much easier because when you decide to do something the world hates you because they didn’t do it the way you did. 

In denial Peter sat there and watched his fat friend James burn the book he’d just published and then boastfully sit on his lawn chair laughing. In total rage, Peter threw a fit then told James the truth about himself and they began to fight.

Out of shape, James fell to the ground wheezing begging for help.

Peter sat and watched his friend gasping for air. 

“This is bad James, really bad.” Peter kept saying frantically searching for James’s inhaler. 

“Peeettteer, hhhhhhuuu, do something,” James said falling to the ground.

Peter couldn’t help but remember how James had just told him to do nothing so he sat there and watched him beg for help until the ambulance came. James nearly killed himself breathing in all of the smoke from the ashes. 

At the end of the day James learned his lesson and decided to be more like Peter. He started doing something and accepted the hate, it made him stronger, especially after he nearly died doing nothing. 

The End.

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