Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Wrath of the Sun

The machine of space is like a fragment of time and what you find on earth are the left overs. 

The people searching for the answers to everything failed to preserve one simple fragment of existence; therefore, they were left to face the wrath of the sun.

They probed and probed, they starved children and even unleashed harmful chemicals causing nature to become toxic.

They even dug up ancient royal graves to find answers hidden in plain sight.

Women were left lifeless with babies hanging out of their wombs in their quest to prove superiority. These were different people. People whose knowledge gave them an abundance of power while they purposely suppressed others of their will to learn.

They created the noise, ignorant of the vibrations of time and space, this noise created waves of anger and violence. Wars for territorial power soon began to unfold. This all took place while a silent physicist killed himself and burned his work to save the future. This angered the knowledge seekers who said his work was the missing piece of a very powerful puzzle.

In the distance stood a leader of war. He cut off the tongues of his people so that they could not speak. Afraid, they began to write on the walls, some began to pray to the sun because the fortunate had used them as slaves. Eager to find help, they began to rebel, only to find out that everything that they’d been taught was a lie. Servants of truth began to enlighten them only to become targets. They soon found out that it’s impossible to awaken people who are convinced and there is no world arena for arrogance only deadly lessons. Humbled, these people became obedient to what nature was doing. It was as though nature had been taking orders from the sun.

Afraid, one man working the fields hid underground and took off his clothes overwhelmed by the heat. Underground with his family, the heat made him sexually aggressive and he decided to do more mating with his wife. 

After spending forty years underground, his offspring spread creating underground cities that survived the wrath of the sun and when the earth cooled down some migrated back up to the surface creating a better world. Finding fragments of time spread across the history of the earth the new people concluded that the old people killed themselves by trying to mimic the energy of the sun. Comprehending a new vibe, they vowed to live in peace—equal to the frequency of the sun’s rays. They were the first people to see the sun smile. The wrath was complete, proving that everything happens for a reason.

The Wrath of the Sun

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