Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Follow the Sun

 “Jaden, how did you find your way home?” Cassie couldn’t help but wonder, the entire search party combed the woods looking for him.

“I followed the sun,” he replied.

What makes this story interesting is how young this child was. He had no navigational skills and was only nine years old. Once his father found this out he homed in on his son’s skills. A natural born navigator whose story spread quick. 

As he grew older and wiser—learning from his life long lessons, ironically, he found his oldest son stuck in a tree that he attempted to climb. Shortly after that his daughter went missing. Comprehending a lifelong journey, he now stood in the same spot as his parents did when he went missing as a child, but sadly, they had now passed on. A small voice in his head kept saying, “Stay on the porch.”

“Are you okay dad?” Junior asked his father.

“Your sister has been missing for three days, they’re thinking about calling off the search. I don’t know what to tell your Mom, she’s losing hope,” he said to his son.

“I love you daddy,” Jada said to her father while emerging from the side of the porch.

Jaden saw himself in his daughter as he felt his heart skipping a beat.

In a world of wonder he asked the same question as his mother did years ago,

“How did you find your way home?” 

“I just remembered what you used to tell me at camp, I followed the sun,” she explained.

Realizing the stars in the sky at night, Jaden and his family began to sell compasses as a hobby. He made sure that he put the words, “FOLLOW THE SUN,” On the back. He and his family found their purpose. They inspired the world to learn how to navigate a dark cruel world filled with wild forest and oceans.

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