Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Sun’s Birthday

 LISA: First I would like to say happy birthday.

THE SUN: Thank you, it means a lot.

LISA: I have to ask you this, why do you keep shining?

THE SUN: Lisa, there’s a young man out there on earth somewhere, he’s lonely and searching for his purpose. If I don’t shine then life itself is meaningless.

LISA: So you shine for the people.

THE SUN: No, Lisa, I shine for everyone and everything. Without me or any other SUN, the entire universe would be dark and cold. 

LISA: My son, he’s no longer with us on earth, he died when he was just a teenager.

THE SUN: Lisa, here’s a message to you and the world. As long as I’ve shined, I’ve watched civilizations come and go. I’ve seen the earth rot only to be reborn millions of years later. At my birth, everything came into existence. I’ve shined in the midst of suffering and brutal wars and here I sit today with a woman tormented by death. Lisa, accept it, even I must die and be consumed by darkness only to bond with the eternal universe while a part of me rises somewhere else and another part of me shines in you. I am the giver of life, the eye that understands the hearts of everyone that breathes and dissolves into a speck of dust. Does a cloud not provide shade? When I get too hot, is it not wise to take a swim? Your grief is going to give you enough wisdom to understand that fire burns and ice is cool to the touch, but through it all, I must still rise and shine. Be like me Lisa and once you start believing that the world doesn’t need you, that’s when you will lose your spark. That’s when you will lose your shine.

LISA: I guess there is nothing new under the sun. Thanks for the pep talk, keep shining.

THE SUN: Word is born.

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