Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Black Sun

I was pure when I started this life, I tell you, as a matter of fact I assure you.

I saw the world as a beautiful sphere with no bias.

I used words that were encouraging and full of life.

As life went on I admit that the scars of madness gave me some bad habits.

I lost my marriage fight in a divorce.

I lost family members, loved ones and friends to senseless acts of violence.

I even found myself in financial troubles and soon learned that life can be tough.

I tried over and over again to get the people that hated me to love me and failed every time.

In deep repentance, beat down and in search of a home with millions of foster kids we crawled out of the pit of despair and walked into the light of a Black Sun.

Somehow, we, and, it, still shined.

The Black Sun

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