Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Executioner

What is a jail cell?

Who made the laws?

What does it mean to die by execution?

The state votes and the people sit and watch.

Open your eyes and pay close attention to who is sitting in the chair.

He or she is sentenced to death.

Me personally, I turn away, I see a part of my own life in that chair.

Drugged and drunk family members left in the ghettos to rot away.

Athletic and fame dreams of being idols.

A cheating unhinged ex-wife. 

Friends laughing at my every mistake that I’ve made.

Women screaming at me like I’m inferior.

A lonely man overtaken by grief. 

He was found guilty for carrying out some of the harshest crimes a human being could think of.

He took the law into his own hands and everyone stood idle to watch.

His mother was known as the queen of death in the ghettos of America because she aborted every child except him.

He was found guilty and sentenced to death.

I learned a valuable lesson while watching tears fall down his daughter’s face on my way out.

“Was my dad a bad person?” She asked me.

I looked her in the eyes and kindly said, “No one is born bad, we’re all just searching for unconditional love and when we don’t get it, some of us do crazy things for attention. Hug a friend today, work hard, and fill your soul with God’s mercy.”

For some reason that girl hugged me and would not stop crying. I later found out that she opened up a ministry in memory of her father after he was executed.

Something clicked in this young woman’s mind. I think she’d seen it all and after her father’s death she was not afraid of anything. She opened up her gateway to love homes in the hardest neighborhoods in the world. She’d become fearless. She had three kids, and held a job at a local burger shop and led grown men out of the same fate as her father. Whenever I saw her she was at a library reading a book. I was so moved by her courage that I retired early and took everything I owned and gave it to her. I donated my house and a building that I’d owned down the road and slept in the basement helping her. 

One man’s execution changed the world all because his daughter refused to see it happen to someone else’s little girl.

We were all witnesses.

The Executioner 

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