Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sun Davy

Sun Davy was born in a small town. His mother named him after the sun because she was well read and wrote about ten best selling books about the sun. She grew up in the civil rights era and wanted her little boy to have a special name. When Sun Davy was born the doctors noticed something very unique about this kid and as he grew older his uniqueness earned him an odd reputation. Sun Davy’s head was shaped in what looked like a perfect circle, just like the sun, the kid was so smart that the town where he lived just couldn’t keep up with him. His unusual talents led him in some odd situations. It came to the point to where Sun Davy had to find some friends on his level. His mother urged him to move else where but he didn’t want to leave her alone. On the eve of his twenty-sixth birthday, Sun Davy lost his friend in a shootout and he had a hard time finding a job. It almost seemed like the city that birthed him was literally turning him into a monster. He was black listed and black balled everywhere he went and the sad part is that he had a lot to offer. Sun Davy had never committed a crime and his beliefs were beyond what the average crowd could accept. One night in a deep sleep he had a dream that he was talking to the sun.

“I’ve prepared a city for you over the mountain and will burn your current city to the ground for how they have treated you,” the sun told Sun Davy in his dream.

When he awoke, he and his mother got into a terrible argument that hurt him so bad that he left. Oddly, his mother had found a boyfriend that literally appeared to be turning her against her son because he was now twenty-six years old and still hanging around. This hurt Sun Davy so he left his mother’s house with just enough money to take the train across town. While boarding the train, Sun Davy noticed graffiti on the side of a building reading, “Follow your dreams.” At this moment he had no doubt, he left everything he knew and began to follow his dream. Tragically noticing that the sun literally burned his entire neighborhood and city to the ground he started realizing that his dream had somehow become real. He then met a local Egyptologist that for some reason took Sun Davy in as a student. He and Sun Davy did everything together, he even paid for Sun Davy’s travel across the world. The two became so rich in knowledge that people started calling them Moses and King Tut. The day Sun Davy healed a blind man really got things in motion. The guy created a mass following that he was not prepared for. People all over the world who were sick and needed to be healed, cared nothing about Sun Davy but they would do anything for him to heal them. Some even offered him serious money. He soon became a target and doctors started getting suspicious. Skeptics began to call him the new Messiah. It got so bad that Sun Davy found himself having to hide in a mountain cave. Once his Egyptian friend finally found him he grabbed him and said, “I’m taking you home, young God.”

Sun Davy got up from his crouched position, “I have no home. I’m an outcast to the world, born only to be persecuted for my gifts.”

He and his friend soon found themselves on the first flight to Egypt. His friend took him to the pyramids. This is your home. The moment Sun Davy stepped on the land the pyramids began to glow and he began to float in the air. Gold then began to flow from the Nile River and magical things began to take place. A bridge between space and time began to open up and the people who thought they had it all figured out soon found out that the man that they least expected to free them was he, Sun Davy. While watching the dead rise and a mass amount of people coming across the bridge, Sun Davy sat on his golden throne. When it was all said and done a new Dynasty had been reborn. Seeing the people from his old town crossing the bridge and now kneeling before him truly made the sun shine. Watching his mother purified in a new soul, she gave her son what he always deserved in the first place. She gave him her blessing.

Sun Davy

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