Monday, June 10, 2024


Henry liked his women basic, his first girlfriend got complex and wanted the finer things in life so Henry dumped her.

Lisa sat in a room all day and collected a basic fixed income for just about her entire life. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she got on an elevator. She started spreading rumors that aliens made it.

Brian stayed in one spot for over 20 years and once everyone figured him out they gave him a mental disorder. He knew what everyone was going to do every day, some people thought he could see the future.

Old man Larry couldn’t figure out how they made the new razors so he used a blade.

Cindy lived out in the country and got her water from a well and while everyone in the city quarantined because of a fatal disease she didn’t know anything about it and kept drinking. She’s still alive by the way.

Johnny couldn’t figure out why his wife kept changing everything in the house around, when he lived by himself the bill stayed one price now it was getting out of his budget. Boy did they argue.

Peter was a man who loved all races and when his wife started putting spices in his food from another country he started eating fast food.

One country never fought a war, they stayed in the woods and watched the entire world fight it out over complex issues. They had no nukes, no technology, and didn’t even have a defense force. They survived in the end with one tactic, they kept it simple.

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