Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sweets & the Sun

 Cindy ate all of the sweets that she could, the more she asked, the more her father John kept feeding her. Pretty soon, her teeth started falling out, and she couldn’t work because she was out of shape. Oh, she was a spoiled little thing, she had no patience, she broke every expensive thing she owned and expected everyone else to pay for it. She screamed, broke windows, and even stole from people just to get her way. After finding herself alone and out on the streets begging for money, as she got older, it was so hot that it almost seemed like the very sun itself was punishing her. While, in shape, working Judy jogged with little sweat, appreciating everything in life, Cindy suffered and was burned alive by the sun. How ironic? 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Cascade of Illusions

 Spinning in circles they couldn’t help but pass out. In a constant state of trouble we all awoke in another world. Our inner nature craved the smell of a woman but we were left with artificial intelligence instead. Realizing the tone of two men debating to be president, we couldn’t help but notice the gunfire outside. The reality became oh so real that someone had been left to fight their own battle. The victim bought his last taco at a Mexican restaurant only to later be hanged by his own people for pointing out the obvious truth. The cascade of illusions painted to draw a crowd were obvious and there was no reason for anyone to complain. The divide between the rich and the poor was real and the political divide proved it. One simple fact remained as the conversation grew deeper and deeper between two uncertain ideologies. Many took notice while standing on Mount Rushmore and some who knew what was ahead jumped to their death while trembling children became victims of a biblical war. Holy, holy, holy, they shouted, not knowing that they’d been funding a war machine with slippery gears. Falling to their knees, tipped over facing a rainbow flag, sisters and brothers became drunk in their own defilement. Ahead, there was more to come. The fragments of drugs flooded the minds of once pure thinkers and the system became riddled with dropouts. Praying to the sun, minute men became brutal examples defending a martyred king while pharaohs advanced carnage trading deadly drugs. Good men suffered only to realize that the laws that kept them in order could not contain the natural urges for more. Heroes who idealized saints could not accept the fact that a cascade of illusions could only be defeated by the true hearts of good conscience and once good conscience reaches its tipping point then war becomes untamable. The trick is to recognize the small particles of truth when deciding what’s real. In the end, all we ever wanted were their true intentions, but instead we got a Cascade of Illusions. In our quest for independence what was there to fear?

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sun Davy

Sun Davy was born in a small town. His mother named him after the sun because she was well read and wrote about ten best selling books about the sun. She grew up in the civil rights era and wanted her little boy to have a special name. When Sun Davy was born the doctors noticed something very unique about this kid and as he grew older his uniqueness earned him an odd reputation. Sun Davy’s head was shaped in what looked like a perfect circle, just like the sun, the kid was so smart that the town where he lived just couldn’t keep up with him. His unusual talents led him in some odd situations. It came to the point to where Sun Davy had to find some friends on his level. His mother urged him to move else where but he didn’t want to leave her alone. On the eve of his twenty-sixth birthday, Sun Davy lost his friend in a shootout and he had a hard time finding a job. It almost seemed like the city that birthed him was literally turning him into a monster. He was black listed and black balled everywhere he went and the sad part is that he had a lot to offer. Sun Davy had never committed a crime and his beliefs were beyond what the average crowd could accept. One night in a deep sleep he had a dream that he was talking to the sun.

“I’ve prepared a city for you over the mountain and will burn your current city to the ground for how they have treated you,” the sun told Sun Davy in his dream.

When he awoke, he and his mother got into a terrible argument that hurt him so bad that he left. Oddly, his mother had found a boyfriend that literally appeared to be turning her against her son because he was now twenty-six years old and still hanging around. This hurt Sun Davy so he left his mother’s house with just enough money to take the train across town. While boarding the train, Sun Davy noticed graffiti on the side of a building reading, “Follow your dreams.” At this moment he had no doubt, he left everything he knew and began to follow his dream. Tragically noticing that the sun literally burned his entire neighborhood and city to the ground he started realizing that his dream had somehow become real. He then met a local Egyptologist that for some reason took Sun Davy in as a student. He and Sun Davy did everything together, he even paid for Sun Davy’s travel across the world. The two became so rich in knowledge that people started calling them Moses and King Tut. The day Sun Davy healed a blind man really got things in motion. The guy created a mass following that he was not prepared for. People all over the world who were sick and needed to be healed, cared nothing about Sun Davy but they would do anything for him to heal them. Some even offered him serious money. He soon became a target and doctors started getting suspicious. Skeptics began to call him the new Messiah. It got so bad that Sun Davy found himself having to hide in a mountain cave. Once his Egyptian friend finally found him he grabbed him and said, “I’m taking you home, young God.”

Sun Davy got up from his crouched position, “I have no home. I’m an outcast to the world, born only to be persecuted for my gifts.”

He and his friend soon found themselves on the first flight to Egypt. His friend took him to the pyramids. This is your home. The moment Sun Davy stepped on the land the pyramids began to glow and he began to float in the air. Gold then began to flow from the Nile River and magical things began to take place. A bridge between space and time began to open up and the people who thought they had it all figured out soon found out that the man that they least expected to free them was he, Sun Davy. While watching the dead rise and a mass amount of people coming across the bridge, Sun Davy sat on his golden throne. When it was all said and done a new Dynasty had been reborn. Seeing the people from his old town crossing the bridge and now kneeling before him truly made the sun shine. Watching his mother purified in a new soul, she gave her son what he always deserved in the first place. She gave him her blessing.

Sun Davy

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Sun King

 “He is greatness, for he is all, he is everything. Now cleanse yourself before you bow down to him Abraham.” Sarah explained.

“Kneel, kneel, he rises!” Phratiti shouted, noticing the sun in the eastern sky.

Everyone kneeled except for the Sun King.

“Are you crazy your highness? Kneel!” Tiki said, but the Sun King stood tall.

“He shines for me.” The Sun King replied.

“No, he shines for all of us, now kneel.” Tiki said.

The Sun King picked his iron rod up off of the hot ground then ran into the jungle and started fighting with wild animals.

Tiki looked at his wife and his people.

“My people, whatever the king is trying to prove let him do it on his own, today it’s too hot to be fighting wild animals in the jungle.”

After the Sun King wore himself out slaying lions and tigers he returned to his village and sat on his throne.

“Phratiti, bring me some water, I’m thirsty.”

Phratiti rushed to give him his drink.

“You see, Tiki, we now have enough food to get us through the end of the week. Instead of kneeling we should be working so that our enemies don’t catch us off guard. The sun told me that, you know.” The Sun King explained as his servant bandaged up his wounds while he sat on his throne getting ready to eat.

Tiki looked at how many animals his men dragged out of the jungle. The Sun King killed four lions, a cheetah, and two big tigers.

Tiki couldn’t believe what the Sun King had accomplished.

“Why is it that every time the sun comes out you get crazy? You need a vagina.” Tiki said.

Sitting on his throne and seasoning up his meal the King stood up.

“That’s why I am the Sun King. The sun gives me strength, it shines through me.” The Sun King explained as everyone at the table began to eat together.

Tiki passed the dressing to his wife, “Get him the best vagina Africa has to offer and make sure you do it at sunrise. This motha sucka is sun crazy.”

The Sun King

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Friendly Sun 🌞

It provides.

It shines.

It does the impossible everyday for free.

What a friendly force, mixed with the elements it’s like God speaking life into the world everyday.

I can feel its rays of light when I too need to shine.

I can feel its aura bonding with mine.

We’re one.

When I need shade, it gives me a tree or a cloud.

When I need love, it shines through the people around me.

In a cruel world I’ve found a friend.

The Friendly Sun 🌞 


Everyday it rises, it’s the sun.

It gives light to the world and the earth spins to keep us cool at night.

The sun keeps us warm and the clouds shield us from its strong rays.

During the summer solstice, the day is long and the sun shines bright.

I have a good feeling about what the sun can do because without it nothing would exist.

A robot on Mars would have no energy,

the flowers that bloom would not exist, 

and most of all, there would be no summertime.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 19th

June 19th is amongst us, so I’m going to tell a racial story today. I have to admit that I’ve witnessed some pretty odd things in my lifetime. I recall brutal stories from the past. I recall reading about the racial hurdles that still seem very high. Sadly, I don’t know where we’re headed, but I do remember Pastor Royalty. I met him in my first marriage, he was my Pastor for quite sometime, great person, a white man who gave his time to everyone. Every Sunday, there he was preaching the good news. I mean every week the world had to be coming to an end and there he was talking about God. Watching his daughter suffer through a bad marriage and the sad truth that racism still haunts both ethnicities the guy kept preaching. I would visit him often, and he would always let me in. I would donate to his church and even got to know his kids. Mixed church, white pastor. I learned a lot from this experience. People even started persecuting me under the radar for becoming a member. I attended this church every Sunday for two years faithfully. I had white friends and black friends, all the while comprehending the suppressed thoughts of a brutal past that people held inside. When I got divorced I kept attending, but it wasn’t the same, I had taken the biggest gut punch of my life. I’d found myself alone in my own mind left with no wife, no friends, and little family. Pastor Royalty called me his friend and when I moved on from village to village I began to comprehend the reality of a country rooted in an ideology that is just too hard to let go. Waking up in the ghettos of America I’ve learned a lot about life and once I found a library I learned even more. The beauty of it all is that I’ve learned, and the past has shown me a world filled with lost people, some sitting on high mountains, some brutally beaten, some whipped and chained, some being sold by their own country, and some even feeling superior to others, but there is nothing more eye opening than watching a person die, never getting to undo the harm that they unleashed upon innocent people. This June 19th, I think that just like anything in life’s experiences that it may be wise to comprehend that the world is filled with knowledge and cultures, I’ll learn from my own decisions and read a book about history so that what ever happened before doesn’t happen again. Slavery is a condition that we all suffer from because in the end, after the work is done and 400 or more years have passed, the stain of blood is very hard to wash away. That could be why a lot of us can’t let go. Standing on the edge of freedom, I’ve come to learn that because of miracles it’s better to not jump because a miracle proves one thing exists and that one thing is, “HOPE!”

Monday, June 10, 2024


Henry liked his women basic, his first girlfriend got complex and wanted the finer things in life so Henry dumped her.

Lisa sat in a room all day and collected a basic fixed income for just about her entire life. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she got on an elevator. She started spreading rumors that aliens made it.

Brian stayed in one spot for over 20 years and once everyone figured him out they gave him a mental disorder. He knew what everyone was going to do every day, some people thought he could see the future.

Old man Larry couldn’t figure out how they made the new razors so he used a blade.

Cindy lived out in the country and got her water from a well and while everyone in the city quarantined because of a fatal disease she didn’t know anything about it and kept drinking. She’s still alive by the way.

Johnny couldn’t figure out why his wife kept changing everything in the house around, when he lived by himself the bill stayed one price now it was getting out of his budget. Boy did they argue.

Peter was a man who loved all races and when his wife started putting spices in his food from another country he started eating fast food.

One country never fought a war, they stayed in the woods and watched the entire world fight it out over complex issues. They had no nukes, no technology, and didn’t even have a defense force. They survived in the end with one tactic, they kept it simple.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Retirement Dreams

The phone rang today. It was my old job, they needed some help again. In the midst of realizing that the money was drying up and my traveling experience had run its course, I decided to answer the call.

This was a corporate call, oh, “they really must be desperate,” I thought. Grabbing my good walker I turned off the television, left the nursing home and took the bus to work. I just got word that Jordan had just scored 50 points at his youth basketball camp at the age of 61. If Jordan can do it, I can do it. I was just as good as these young bucks, I worked the phones, filed papers, and even took out the trash. I don’t know how many computers I smashed, but I was on a roll. Realizing that I was sweating, I noticed the 70 and over club running for president again and even breaking some laws. Old foreign leaders were even bringing back old school guerrilla warfare. I felt forever young, for some reason I couldn’t sit down, the fire was rekindled. If they can do it, I can do it. I even noticed Tyson was back in the ring so I kept lacing up the chucks.

Why retire when you can die living the American dream?

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Standing Ovation

 Autistic, ha ha ha! “No!”

That kid was brave.

I never had the courage to jump straight into a professional football game and run on the field naked.

What’s wild is the fact that he got a standing ovation.

What a wild world we live in.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Executioner

What is a jail cell?

Who made the laws?

What does it mean to die by execution?

The state votes and the people sit and watch.

Open your eyes and pay close attention to who is sitting in the chair.

He or she is sentenced to death.

Me personally, I turn away, I see a part of my own life in that chair.

Drugged and drunk family members left in the ghettos to rot away.

Athletic and fame dreams of being idols.

A cheating unhinged ex-wife. 

Friends laughing at my every mistake that I’ve made.

Women screaming at me like I’m inferior.

A lonely man overtaken by grief. 

He was found guilty for carrying out some of the harshest crimes a human being could think of.

He took the law into his own hands and everyone stood idle to watch.

His mother was known as the queen of death in the ghettos of America because she aborted every child except him.

He was found guilty and sentenced to death.

I learned a valuable lesson while watching tears fall down his daughter’s face on my way out.

“Was my dad a bad person?” She asked me.

I looked her in the eyes and kindly said, “No one is born bad, we’re all just searching for unconditional love and when we don’t get it, some of us do crazy things for attention. Hug a friend today, work hard, and fill your soul with God’s mercy.”

For some reason that girl hugged me and would not stop crying. I later found out that she opened up a ministry in memory of her father after he was executed.

Something clicked in this young woman’s mind. I think she’d seen it all and after her father’s death she was not afraid of anything. She opened up her gateway to love homes in the hardest neighborhoods in the world. She’d become fearless. She had three kids, and held a job at a local burger shop and led grown men out of the same fate as her father. Whenever I saw her she was at a library reading a book. I was so moved by her courage that I retired early and took everything I owned and gave it to her. I donated my house and a building that I’d owned down the road and slept in the basement helping her. 

One man’s execution changed the world all because his daughter refused to see it happen to someone else’s little girl.

We were all witnesses.

The Executioner