Sunday, November 26, 2023

For Mom

First it was her brother Johnny, his death was a rude awakening of the power of a lady. You see, mom raised me in a dark world. Johnny was the brother that picked her up and kept her encouraged when she’d been mentally and physically abused by men and women foes, he died around Christmas, but mom kept speaking life into the atmosphere.

Then there was John, her father. We all watched as Chemotherapy slowly ate him alive. He suffered, even as he took his last breath, mom dusted herself off and kept going, even as he passed before Christmas.

We then watched as other relatives slowly fell off the family wagon reminding us to cherish every moment in this life, for we all will have our day with the death Angel. I personally don’t believe in death because even in darkness there’s an empty feeling eager to get back to living life.

Now it’s Grandma Edith, her Mother, my grandmother. Mom has been stuck in the neutral corner for this one, fighting with one glove tied behind her back listening to gospel songs to stay up. It’s evident that this one hit her hard, but somehow, everyday she gets up for work. Her favorite line is, “Grandpa always says, ‘Never give up.’”

My Mom, has never given me a reason not to believe in something greater than this life. Somehow, someway, I don’t know how but her clock keeps ticking. Fight, after fight I’ve watched her get knocked down and get back up. I’ve learned something from her just by watching. At times when I tried to jump in and help, she covered my eyes and pushed me to the other neutral corner. Mom has been a friend, a sister, a brother, and a father so today I give her an early Christmas gift. I give her my words. I know that she may never get to this piece and if she does it’s by fate. When Father Time and the good Lord calls her home I’ll be sad but I will learn to go on without Mom. Even on her bad days, she’s Mom. On a good day, she’s mom. Life is like an ocean pushing a small ship in the dark night at sea with a small sailor eager to make it back home to solute Mom. This Christmas gift didn’t cost a dime I paid for it with a thought.

For Mom.

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