Sunday, December 5, 2021

The 3 Books of Christmas

Surrounded by wisemen as a child they often fade as time passes by. You become older and the wisemen die.

Jealousy and envy can slowly kill and destroy any movement, it’s evil, and too many leaders in a room are the proof.

I adopted children and I had to get them ready for the world so I sat 3 books under a tree with some toys to see what was in their future.

Ryan picked the construction book, he might be a builder.

Lyra picked up the superhero book, she might be a doctor or an athlete.

Frank picked up the Bible, he might be a preacher, politician or a businessman.

Watching them take their gifts and run to their rooms, Lyra stopped, turned around and decided to come back and thank me for being her father.

At this moment, my heart skipped a beat. If I make it pass sixty, there’s a good chance that she’s going to be the one to take care of me someday. 

At this moment in time, I can only imagine, but I’m sure the mover of time knows something or Lyra would not have thought twice about me after she got her gifts. She also gave me a hug and told me that she loved me.

The 3 Books of Christmas 

Merry Christmas 

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