Saturday, October 16, 2021

The Black Hole šŸ•³

Look towards the hills from whence cometh your strength, all your help cometh from the lord. I am a jealous God so I’m taking it back. Everything belongs to me…every thought…every crumb from your dinner plate…every genius providing knowledge and food for thought. Ever whore corrupting my prophet’s hearts and minds lifting their untamed snakes.

I gave you the rainbow as my promise and you defiled it, now you must pay, for you have not seen suffering until you’ve met the creator…I alone provide, for if the blind cannot see they can feel? From the feminine males to the masculine women who fail to make sense of the fact that each of their kind equals things out. They too can make the right choice. Cannot a feminine male not be satisfied by a masculine woman. Cannot a mixture of both prove that I am trying to equal things out and make it fair as you request from I am that I am. Be mindful of what you request from me, for I am a just God that hears your prayers but your tainted hearts have made you stubborn; therefore, I must speak through a mediator.  They can only see through me. For if the woman cannot give birth, do I still not find a way to provide life? When there is no balance do I not even the scale? Have I not answered the call of the tormented and defiled slaves? End the confusion now. Take your feeble eyes and comprehend what real mercy is, for my winds are as strong as the wings of my Angels that make them blow. Look up at the night sky, for I gave you the stars to fathom my power, you’re just a man and a woman, so take notice of my new wrath that you now comprehend as black, complete darkness, sucking in all light. Figure how such fire can create soot, for it burns.

Only I am that I am can direct it past your ordained space orbiting around the earth.

My new wrath is far from the flood…

My new wrath is far from burning…

My new wrath is…

The Black Hole šŸ•³ 

Welcome to my kingdom of internal dark thoughts. When I open my wings that span from one end of the universe to the other, you will be my crowning achievement as a creation that blasphemed me while I am that I am fly across another megalopolis with your galaxy in a marble across my neck.

The Black Hole šŸ•³ 

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