Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Christmas Combat

Alex and our elf combat team had been called in to clean out a sinner’s camp. There was a high level of fornication going on in Young City. This was a high level sting around Christmas. Drugs, infidelity, abortion, drunks, and uncleanliness. Every level of sloth and sexual malfeasance. The hardest part about this operation is that the enemy was heavily armed so we packed for Christmas Combat with some of us preparing to not make it out alive. I called my team Santa and his Elves. We entered to kill every form of evil and demonic presence that we could find. I smelled this kind of evil before when I had to battle with a porn addiction at an early age so I was hungry for retribution. I also felt eager to eliminate the drugs from watching my whole family fall to their knees from addiction. Somebody had to clean up this mess. Seeing my drunk mother made me even more vengeful to burn down the illegal alcohol cells. As soon as we went in there was gun fire. Bang! I shot an armed prostitute firing from the stair case. No turning back now, it was on; she fell to the ground while my team confiscated her weapon. Shots then came from the 12 o’clock direction. I noticed a girl who I liked growing up in one of the rooms strung out with a needle in her arm. This was a high level bust. Sinners and demons in every corner of the house. Kicking down a door we noticed naked women fleeing the scene, Bang! My elf Johnny caught a drug lord firing at him while using one of them as a shield. My thirst for a pure holiday grew more intense when I noticed my cousin being consumed by every level of uncleanliness that you could think of. Black lips and slobber falling from his face he was no more. Once a warrior for God and now a drug junky. I counted my loses and kept fighting until we got to the top level. On level nine I couldn’t help but seek God’s forgiveness in my life as I noticed a dear friend off in the corner trying to burn bags of drug evidence. Bang! He shot at me so I aimed for the kill. At the top level it was like roaches scattering. I saw everyday people, many of whom I would have never thought would be in a place like this. That’s when I heard machine gun fire. It had to be an AR-15. We’d reached the source. The kingpin. Bullets were fired in every direction and one of my top elves had been hit. This was Christmas combat. The killing rage was real and we were fighting for goodness sake. Shortly after the raging drug lord had taken out as many of my elves as he could I heard one shot from a distance, then soon after the sound of the firing AR-15 went quiet. My sniper Ralph took out the KingPin. We made it out alive, I thanked God for another day and took a shower to wash myself clean of all of the filth that we’d just terminated. I began to look at my own sins and fell to sleep by the Christmas tree listening to God’s word. I needed it. I’d lost so many people in the battle, I needed to be rejuvenated. 

Merry Christmas, when I awoke the next morning, I lit a candle for all of the peopled that I’d lost in the battle.

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