Tuesday, September 20, 2022


There are two worlds to comprehend in this life. In one world there is cryosleep. A world where the only worries a person has is food, shelter, and water. In this world there is little knowledge about the true political affairs taking place. The people in this world live day by day and some do what ever they please and many get off scot free while others get caught. 

The next world is complex, a world where there are some very hard decisions to make and one false move could get you in danger. Most people living in a woke state cannot go back to sleep, once you’re in—you’re in, and the only way out is death. This is the case because the woke crowd literally has too much information. This is the crowd where all of the big decisions are made and not too much religion exist. The woke crowd is in a constant state of awareness, this crowd knows the key players and obtains the majority of the wealth. To understand these two worlds is like having a classified document in your closet. The woke crowd knows how valuable it is while the person who is in a state of cryosleep would probably not. The hardest part about this analogy is grappling with the mindset of each individual. No one truly ever knows how each world ends because you don’t know what you don’t know and once you know there’s no turning back. Some people stay sleep, never to wake up. 

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