Saturday, May 7, 2022

Mom’s Drunk

Men who’ve heard their mother being abused hear a voice. We don’t know where this voice comes from but even at an early age it’s strong. 

“Help her!”

When we jump in we face severe trauma, it’s almost like we spend our entire life making sure mom is alright. Once we grow up, we learn and come to accept the past, yet we never forget mom.

If mom gets up after a severe beating, not only do we jump to help her get up but we learn to get up too.

If mom gets drunk from depression, we too get depressed.

When dad is not around, we learn to provide.

When our wife is long gone, mom’s voice of comfort vibrates through our minds.

Mom is unbelievable, and when she’s gone or not around, we children all hear the voice. It must be God. If not, what voice gives us the power unseen but felt?

What voice gives us the strength to pickup our broken pieces and move on once Mom is gone.


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