Tuesday, March 1, 2022


They look like real people.

They always want more government in your life.

They give out cotton candy and smile while shaking your hand.

They’re filled with government programs and promises to save us all.

They promise a world of equality and peaceful solutions with everyone as winners and no losers.

They steal your brain and rewire it for their own good.

They make you a slave to their agendas and policies; in the end, you will be owned.

Once there’s nothing left, logic starts to kick in and it’s too late, they own you.

Listen to the small voice in your head and beware of deceptocrats.

The brain is a terrible thing to waste, they will make you seem crazy, read between the lines, they’re not your friends.

If you look closely through the smoke tinted mirrored glass you will see a well organized party of people who are very good at playing the game.

Good Luck, they have a very large army of members from every race, creed and color, and they mobilize faster than a drug dealer’s hand-to-hand.


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