Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Black History Thoughts

It’s black history month and a lot has changed since the good old days.

A lot of people still believe that racism exist but some people have moved on.

Moving on from a brutal history has been very hard but not too many transitions are smooth.

A lot of people are engaging in corrupt activities and doing some very harsh things to survive, but just like all of God’s creation we must learn to be discipline over time.

Even fire must die down.

I’ve decided to stay humble this black history month and just be grateful for the things that I do have.

Maybe try and be a beacon of light in what many feel is a dark time.

There is some good in the world, so I guess that’s what’s important.

I guess the most important part about living is to keep a positive attitude, and just try to stay grateful for what you do have. Optimism is a gift that few people have but I’m sure it can be learned.

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