Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Sun Entertainment

Charlie was a comedian his entire career. He was amazing. The man lived many lives and was no saint. He would say things on stage that could get ordinary people killed in the real world. His entertainment group was called Sun Entertainment. Charlie said he named it after his father who loved how the sun shined. Sadly, Charlie’s real life was filled with torment. Behind the comedy was a depressed individual but on stage he was legendary. Charlie died of a suicidal overdose. When they found him, they found a room filled with open alcohol containers and illegal drugs. In his suicide letter he told his fans that they were the main reason why he lived and when they wouldn’t allow him to perform at the comedy spots anymore because of contract disputes and burned bridges he felt useless and couldn’t shine like the sun. Ironically, they found one of his contracts half burned in a house that he owned which caught fire in a wildfire. The only words left in the contract were his demands, everything else was burned into ashes.

Sun Entertainment 

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