Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Exterior

 Why are we here?

We go in to find the exit.

When we think we have it right, we’re wrong.

We live only to die.

We win only to lose.

Outside of earth is all darkness filled with gas lightbulbs.

Stars that burn holes in the sky.

Radiating and burning human flesh.

I’m running in circles for a reason.

I die searching for life.

I sit in a room waiting to be served.

I have no money to give a tip.

I find reason in one thought.

This thought at the moment is all that matters to me.

The sky is black!

I explain to the teacher.

She shows me the exit.

The exterior of the classroom.

In solitude I notice light from a nearby window.

Lightening strikes as night falls and the school goes dark.

The students sitting in the back of the class become enlightened by my knowledge.

The teacher then welcomes me back into the interior.

But I pay her no attention and decide to show the students another angle.

I take them to the exterior and point to the dark sky.

It looks solid black.

We’ve been blinded by a bright lie.

The stars are deceiving, they burn holes in the sky.

They burn human flesh.

Outside in the exterior where it’s cold the sky is black.

The morning is an illusion and once you leave your human vessel nothing matters.

It’s just darkness, silence… flares of lightbulbs in space.

I wonder who or what provided the spark.

The Exterior.

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