Saturday, January 29, 2022

Real Estate

The land was marketed as heaven on earth.

This land made the average real estate agent rich, instantly.

Rumor was out that anyone who walked on this land would instantly become wealthy also.

I mean people had to have a place to live, right?

People were flocking to this land like ants on wet sugar.

The price was so high just to live on the land but people from all over the world kept paying, they had to come to this land.

Even poor people spent everything they had to get here.

The land became so crowded that people were everywhere.

Poor, rich, and people stuck in the middle. 

When the land could no longer hold the weight of the people it began to sink into the ground. Gravity then ate the people alive while the people who owned the land flew to safety in their helicopters. 

Once these real estate investors consumed the entire earth, they then went to another planet to reproduce their kind. 

The grass always looked greener on the other side for their clients.

Real Estate.

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