Thursday, March 25, 2021

3 Days of Grace

The curtain opens:

“I’ve shown you grace and mercy for three days straight, I told you that I paid that bill a few days ago. One day you’ll listen to me and stop treating me like trash,” Eugene said to his wife.

Feeling his rage, Evelyn gave up on her point, she then did the dishes as she always did before she’d cook, then she and her family ate together. After dinner she apologized to her husband and each of them kissed then consoled their differences. She knew she was right the entire three day argument but because of her grace she allowed her husband to make a fool out of himself after she paid the bill in which he told her that he’d paid.

The curtain closed.

The stage manager came out:

He thanked the crowd and introduced the cast.

They all came out and took a bow.

The audience clapped then left the theater with hospitality and grace.

The End 

3 Days of Grace

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