Friday, October 9, 2020


 I sit and 🤔 ponder...

Is a child born with a destiny?

I ponder on this thought.

Is a child bred to do what an adult does later?

Does a child who seeks the weapon have a natural passion to kill or does the child know something about defense?

Is a child born without a conscience?

What makes a child find God?

Is it reason or is it fact?

One can only ponder on the thought.

If the human mind is trained to want more why do so many settle for less?

Why do so many find happiness with less and those looking in await for them to be miserable or are they? It could just be my interpretation.

Why do those with more to offer have to suffer when they’re expected to provide?

Why do some keep going while others stop?

Are laws made to be broken?

Is the earth round or is it a sphere?

Are we all just standing on a rock in space?

I ponder on the thought of wisdom...

Why does a man win only to feel like a loser tomorrow?

Why does a woman search for love only to find more sorrow?

My mind ponders on what makes a human like me so stuck in my ways...

I refuse to submit to modern times as I trip on an old phone cord, but I swear they’ll never figure me out or have they already?

I’m stubborn, but my mind is at ease or is it?

Am I “old school” because I see something in a woman who gives me a coin and cooks for me when I’m out on the streets?

I ponder for a moment on her true intentions, then I let go...

Why is she helping me? I’m nothing...

I ponder why she is giving me the strength I need to provide for her...

What does she want from me?

I ponder why she is encouraging me...

She won’t leave me on this corner to rot and die...

I stop pondering, I’ve figured it out...

She is trying to save us all, for a vengeful, bitter man is worth nothing without a coin in a cup...

We come out of her womb while she suffers in pain and when we’re worth nothing she still feeds us...

That’s something to ponder about...

One cannot exist without the other, I guess there had to be a maker of everything or did it just happen? The entire time the answer was right in front of me.


I guess we’re all in this together. One cannot exist without the other. 

As I stand a thousand feet above ground on a tightrope, I ponder why my mind is telling me to stay balanced.

Someone or something is watching over me, I can’t see it but I can feel it.

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