Thursday, August 27, 2020

A new day

 It may hurt today, I may fail or come up short...

I may even be cheated out of something I so dearly want to achieve...

I may want to give-up, I may want to be unforgiving, but who knows how I will feel tomorrow or even years from now...

Is it foolish of me to be vengeful today?

Is it foolish of me to assume what tomorrow may bring?

Forever is to know and understand that time goes on with or without me... 

I too must pass on someday...

I too get angry and impatient at times...hard work one day only to have to build again the next.

Some parts of my body don’t quite function as before...

I too have seen love turn to only to lose after.

Plans and preparations in place only to be devastated by loss...

Good days turned to bad and the woes of human nature and emotions...

Time is so precious, I feel it too...

A new day has taught me one thing: to love, appreciate, and understand that time heals all pain...

To hear a “no” and later have it turn to a “yes.”

To feel no justice only to watch my love ones grow up in the positions to be judges.

I awake in a new mood...

A different feeling, a different vibe...

The sun shines through my window...

It’s a new day...

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