Friday, January 24, 2025

The other personality

There I was again, looking in the mirror.

Full of myself, I’d done it again.

I made a promise that I did not keep, I lost another friend and I did not weep.

I lost another opportunity that I probably needed.

Who dare be so selfish and conceited?

So what is this side of people that I do not see?

If walls could talk what would they make of me?

If  they’re in love, is it true? I saw her alone, I guess they’re through. 

A small whisper, a second chance…

One smile and another glance.

Deeply moved, I found myself alone, once again searching for a home.

I had a bunch, that fell out of the safe, now I’m out on the street searching for a space.

A person who I never was, stereotyped with a patch over one eye, called me a name when actually I’m shy.

But, I’m a loving man, that has some other personalities too, I pray for them to scatter, but they shift then poof, I’m a different person around Sue and Bob, but once I see Deshawn I’m flashing the finger.

Singing at karaoke bars warning my friends to stay away from swingers. 

Why do people conceal their true selves? I think it’s so we can learn a lesson or two, a part of us falling and a part of us queued.

I say, be yourself, because in the end, the person you hurt the most may turnout to be your only friend.

We’re wearing a mask to hide what we truly feel, I guess that’s why to a creator we all must kneel.

We’re all human and in the end we must pay, I hope this message teaches you to appreciate the potter molding the clay.

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