Sunday, April 9, 2023

Broke, Hungry & the Purple Cloth

After realizing that I had no home to go to and no money to spend, I sat idle in one spot.

I sat on a rock and received shade from a tree.

I’d fallen to the lowest point that I could ever imagine.

Playing back the memories at a soup kitchen of what led me to this point, I’d watched the people with power on a screen afar.

I thought about my family.

I thought about my friends.

I even remember my last bet.

I bet it all on a man laced with a purple cloth and after eating soup I was still hungry.

Being broke and hungry is like walking blind, and malnutrition is very embarrassing.

My bravery came after being beaten for eating some bread out of a nearby dumpster.

I guess the guy who owned it had loyal followers.

In life, you never know where you’re going to end up, and the possibilities are endless.

I have to assume, that, that’s where the idea of God came into play for man’s comprehension because as dead flesh rots away only life can clean it up and the spirit becomes invisible.

Nothing, yet something.

Here today, gone tomorrow, so, yes, nothing is certain.

Rotting in pity with conscience reasoning, mentally, and physically in pain.

I was a broke carpenter with two nail wounds and nothing to eat.

A man with a Purple cloth, Broke & Hungry.

Sorrowful like a farmer with too much sun and no rain.

I’d taken the test and I failed miserably.

Wandering the streets, my mind was like an empty grave, it felt like I was already dead.

When you’re broke and hungry, all you have to inspire you is a purple cloth.

You literally have no where to go.

Roving in circles, you’re the problem that no one can solve.

Broke, Hungry & the Purple Cloth

I guess we’re all here to prove a point and some things just don’t make sense, or should I say, “cents.”

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