Thursday, May 2, 2019

The God of Roses

Oh my, what a pretty flower. The sun has allowed it to grow on my owned and paid for property. Have you noticed that I’m the only one growing this beautiful gift from the sun. How will I share it with my fellow people? Will I charge them? Will I take pictures and sell them? Oh look, it’s god has protected it’s beauty with thorns, how clever. This flower’s beauty comes equipt with a defense mechanism. It’s beauty is deceiving, I shall leave it alone until I find a way to kill it and remove it from my property. Hmm, is the God of humans trying to send me a message or is the god of roses trying to assume the throne? Could they be the same God? What a beautiful flower, I shall cut and and share one with my wife to show her how much I love her. Oh no, I’ve been tricked again.

The God of Roses

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