Monday, November 16, 2015

Thankful Ricky and his Professional Smile;-)

There once was a boy name Ricky
His girlfriend gave him a hickey.
He was knocked down and pushed around when he figured out life is tricky.
"Woe is me, woe is me," Ricky cried out loud, never getting his way.
Ricky soon learned that even bad things happen on a good day.
With not a friend in sight Ricky was always lonely.
He took a trip to Paris and the people called him bony.
"Woe is me, woe is me," Ricky cried out loud never getting his way.
Then a bomb went off and Ricky ran for cover.
Watching the bomb take the life of his lover.
Ricky cried that day and would never forget what a lonely spell it was.
He then joined a crusade to save the world with a dream and hope to be.
When he woke up in heaven he saw the victims were not in pain but set free.
He was sent back to earth never to be lonely again.
A thankful man he was and his woes were no more.
A dream of hope and a vision of life would soon set him free.
To understand that life on earth was just a pathway to a new hope.
And no matter what evil did its effect would always be revoked.
Ricky smiled more as time went on, thankful for everyday.
In times of sorrow and uncertainty, Ricky learned how to pray.
The sun came out and the world went on.
Everyday a new challenge.
What tomorrow would bring Ricky would never know.
Every lesson in life gave him a new chance to grow.
"I have a professional smile that will never leave my face," Ricky proclaimed.
The more he smiled the more people remembered his name.
"I am thankful for just being me. I may not have much but thankful I will be," Ricky said jumping for joy. Then the world grew stronger as Ricky gave out toys.
A happy man he was, even in troubles. When things got tough Ricky smiled double.
He smiled in rain, sleet, and even snow.
What a joyful man he was.
After thirty years of laugher, the world became happy two.
This is a message that Thankful Ricky told me to give to you:-)

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