Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Hum...let me make a planet today.
What colors will I use?
Let me get my material.
Let me start off small.
That will be big.
What will be big will be small to some.
Hum...I have to make this make sense.
It has to make sense.
Some things have to live.
Let me find some clay.
No...No I will make this from the dirt.
I am too great, let me speak these things into existence.
Space, heaven; look at that.
This is good.
Man, woman, trees, plants, snakes, animals, apples, peaches, and pears.
Rhythm, harmony, elements, seconds, hours, locust, motion, days, weeks, fact, fiction, practice... practice...practice...
A season, a land, darkness and light.
Mixing and matching rhymes and hymns.
Good ones and bad ones.
Girls and boys
Gods, devils, spirits, and trumpets.
What a world.
Let me take some time to rest.
I will come up with a name when I get up.
Woe it grew while I was asleep.
All by itself.
Hum...I will call it Earth.
I wonder what they will call me...

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