The photographer takes a picture of me waiting at the drive-thru, all I hear is the camera snap the picture. The photographer is hiding, but I know I heard a camera snap a picture.
The purpose of seeing has a lot to do with identifying what's around you. I think they call it: "Awareness." The magic is what happens after you open your eyes and see things happening on a full live display, so in first person, I'll chose my words cautiously, because you may get something out of this piece. First let me say that I don't think seeing is everything, because a lot of it has to do with perception. Let me explain: I drove a broken car to pick up my mother's medicine; I know this, but to someone else: I drove a nice car to the drugstore and to a blind man: He heard the car go by. While at the drive-thru, I noticed children playing kickball on a small cement playground from afar. Realizing that I used to be in that state of thought, I noticed a tear falling from my good eye. I won't get into the left and right brain chemistry but my other eye was watery as well, so I'll exclude the thought of a mental breakdown. I'm a grown man who's been through somethings, so don't ask me where the tear came from. Anyone would be moved by what I saw but there was something special about this magical display of live human interaction. The magic was that the children had no clue that a complete stranger saw them playing. If seeing is believing, then I believed that there was something pure about children playing. As an adult, I have a responsibility, yet, I tend to understand my own role in this picture. The light flows through my cornea, into my anterior chamber then through my pupil and my lens focuses on what I believe to be seeing. The tear came from some where deep in my soul. The sound of the children playing hit a nerve, I felt something in my soul as a human being. I don't need sympathy because of what I perceived to be pure, but I noticed something clear about this picture. That may be why the tear fell from my good eye. I then regained my composure and drove off, in my broken car. Maybe it was my sinuses.