Saturday, March 7, 2020


I’ll put my pyramids in alignment with the stars...
Can you tell me why?
I’ll balance out the night with the day...
Do you know how to fly?
Don’t study for too long...
At times the answer is right in front of you.
Does a child with glasses have a clue?
Do twins like the same foods?
The data can only help you assume the odds; therefore, you should walk in circles to see if you lose your mind.
One, to two seconds in time...if I spin you the other way, is it like pressing rewind?
Study and read, I promise you’ll find the answers, but remember you’re only made to see, hear and touch, like finding the cure for cancer.
Soap suds, hormones, genius, glitter, and shame, one then two, it’s the feeling of fame.
What makes the clock tick and the world spin?
Chances are you’ll try and figure it out.
Is it the sun or a rainbow that turns the flowers blue?
Can science explain my love for you?
A day of doubt and a sleepless night...the symbols of math figures just to fly a kite.
When all else fails...
Will you care?
Some things are just meant to be...
Like a broken star, leaning at the top of a token tree.
Look at me and don’t ask why...
Sometimes you don’t have to even try...
A one and a two is all you need,
Til you later concede that science can’t possibly explain everything.

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