Friday, March 20, 2020


The goal of the writer is to give you time to wonder and not wear out your physical ability, but to feed your mental state so you can relax.
From birth we have to somehow learn, we have to equip ourselves to survive.
Some thought is given and some thought is earned.
Think, take a different look, a different point of view...
Take another angle, focus-in, and you might see things differently.
I was once warned of a force, a force that breeds pestilence and filth.
I was once warned of a place, a place of eternal torment.
Who shall dare challenge such a force?
What champion will face off against this enemy?
An enemy that kills while you sleep.
An enemy that steals and feeds off of the innocent.
In the battle of comfort, one must be reminded that there’s not much rest in the wild.
You can run, and you can hide, but the reality is that the jungle is a hostile place.
Take notice of the enemy... he watches you.
Take notice of old stories about the blood on the door so he passes by.
How easy it is to let your guard down—even in good times, he watches at that time too.
His job is to kill, steal, and destroy.
In religion he or she is known as the devil, with many other names.
In ancient Kemet he’s known as the god of murder and chaos, Seth, to balance out the natural laws of nature, leaving mortal thinkers to ask why.
Even in Egypt all power was in the hands of those in charge yet Moses did the impossible.
Even when all is figured out, the old stories never change.
Even in miracles, one must keep an open eye.
Be mindful of those you curse, be watchful of those you scar... even in death, even in disease, the enemy never sleeps.
Things must be balanced and those you call lazy, careless, good for nothing cheaters are probably his servants.
Some old writers call them the enemy’s sons and daughters.
A fair thinker who can only take so much, must build a bridge over the bottomless pit and outsmart something that never sleeps, while keeping purpose in mind. Wisdom is immortal because a seed is small but it somehow grows to give off fruit. It makes no sense to fight the enemy with a force that he knows all so well.
Be wise in times like these brethren, do not wear yourselves out fighting the enemy. Take some time and rejoice in your labor. If you create enemies, keep working, their only goal is to see you suffer and stop your work. Rejoice in the fight, and leave some of the battle to the supernatural powers. No one person alone can save the world with flesh and bone, elevate your thoughts. This is the force that creates miracles. Does all knowledge come from man alone? If you look back you’ll notice that a step at a time gets you to the top floor and even a mistake can prove a genius wrong. The builder had no clue that his invention would help you escape the enemy.
Keep climbing, heaven awaits you at the top floor; where the enemy can’t enter.
On your journey never forget:

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