Monday, March 18, 2024

The King of the Jews

 I hope this message finds you brethren, I hope it cleanses your soul, and to the ignorant, I hope it enlightens you to understand that we who are true to the understanding are not fazed by your foolishness. Brethren, I am seeing God’s people constantly doing things with no fear of consequences. I too am a poor man so all I have are my words. In these uncertain times I have become humbled greatly by the stories of Christ. In these holy months I have witnessed believers tested and many of these believers stand in tall high places. In submission to my own flaws and imperfections I’ve come closer to God but I am disappointed that even believers are falling victim. In watching the tribes of Noah’s offspring pour out uncontrolled conflicts I see the suffering of our beloved savior. Brethren, this message has to seep into your consciousness because mercy for all of God’s creation is what we must comprehend in the crucifixion story. The humility of God’s unyielding power to come and walk with his creation. In seeing constant starvation, war, and conflict, who am I to be guilty of selfishness by turning and looking away while I focus on my own meal. To God I give all my praise and I am thankful for his prophets so who am I? Friends, many of us have been blinded by our own desires. I have come to pled with God by taking time to meditate and read his stories. Why would the forces of God’s knowledge leave us with the stories of pharaohs and the truth that, “yes,” God’s people come in many colors shapes and sizes. This Passover season and Ramadan I am trying to be closer to God but I don’t understand why God’s people are not humbling themselves this holy season. I am watching the Palestinian people suffer, I am watching millions of people suffer, I am even watching truth unfold about Israeli tribes and even they too are suffering. Brethren, I’m seeing a world strong in knowledge be ignorant of its own power. In my own sins, I’m begging for God’s mercy. I can’t turn away in my own will to be purified in his wisdom and power. Friends, if I have learned one thing from the story about the King of the Jews, I have learned mercy, humility, and the will to want to do the right thing. I have learned to share with my brethren, to drink water with them at the cross and to dive in the waters where John the Baptist preached about the Holy Spirit. May peace find you friends, may those who are unchanged be changed, may those struggling find peace, and may those seeking power be brought to their knees in the humility and grace of our father. In hunger, sing songs so that you may be fed by God’s spirit. In chains, sing songs so that you may be freed by the oppressor, and when the enemy comes knocking be mindful that opportunist are often blinded by their own intentions and even scientists are baffled by God’s miracles. I wrote this piece after reading a headline about millions of Palestinians suffering of hunger in constant conflicts between the children of Abraham. Realizing and comprehending a world in trouble I found praise in the story about the King of the Jews. Singing songs of praise I became fed and filled with laughter because the enemy thought he had me too. In uncontrollable laughter I came to the comprehension that the story ends with a jackass baffled by a resurrected King. A resurrected Christ. A resurrected King of the Jews. Brethren, it’s a win - win situation for “US.” The other day I saw a woman dressed in all white and turned away. If she was a virgin that was none of my business. May you find blessings in the comprehension and understanding of a resurrected King of Kings. 

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