Friday, October 9, 2015

Nobel Pink Prize

Cassie was far from intelligent and she hadn't a noble bone in her body. As an orphan she possessed one key trait that most people lacked, Cassie was one of the kindest people on earth. In late October she would always go to visit her mother's grave. Even though Cassie never met her mother she would make it a habit to go to her grave and read a poem that she would write every year. She was single, a college dropout and had little money, so that made her prone to take the wrong turn in life. Cassie earned most of her living selling art work and winning poetry slams. Poetry was about the only noble gift she had. When Cassie found out that both her parents died of cancer she became fascinated with the disease. Her mother died of breast cancer and her father died of lung cancer. As crazy as it sounds Cassie wanted cancer. Her friends thought she had lost her mind when she told them this. She had become depressed and fascinated with death. Cassie wanted cancer so bad that she started playing with radiation so her friends had her hospitalized. After almost a year on a psych ward she had fallen into such a pit that everyone forgot about her. No one could understand what had happened. Cassie had lost her mind. As the months went by, October was just around the corner and Cassie was asleep. See dreamed of a pink rainbow and then she woke up. When she awoke, she found herself alone in a small room. She got up to peek out of her small window when she noticed the calendar outside read October. She began to panic banging on the door. This caught one of the nurses attention. Unlocking the door she grabbed Cassie's medicine as Cassie fought to get loose. "I have to go see my mother," she screamed. Once the medicine kicked in she laid there on the floor drowsy. "I have to go see my mother," she said slowly as she dozed off. The next morning she planned her escape. She knew what she wanted out of this. She knew she had to get it together. Every morning she watched the janitor open the far end door. She knew that was her only way out. The next morning she made her move. Escaping from the ward with nothing on but her gown she knew it was risky but she had no choice. She was alone in this matter but she had to make it to her mother's grave or she would not be complete. He bare feet smacking up against the cold ground as she ran through the streets. It had to be the most embarrassing thing anyone could imagine, but years of poverty and no life had humbled her. Out of breath with not an ounce of energy she fell to her knees in front of her mother and father's grave. A beautiful pink rose had grown from the ground where her mother had been laid to rest. Cassie started to cry when she noticed a pink rainbow in the sky. As pink rain fell from the sky, Cassie had been awarded the Nobel Pink Prize. Mother nature was so humbled by her heart that the award came with her on her knees at her mother and father's grave. Dear sweet Cassie in your nobility and hardship you remembered and risked your life for the fallen. Because of your nobility they will rise. For you are the cure.  

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